What You Get When You Hire A Good Online Business Manager

If you’ve been considering hiring an Online Business Manager or perhaps thinking about training to become certified, this article will help paint a picture of what a good Online Business Manager does for the business owners they partner with.

A good online business manager

MORE TIME: Who doesn’t need more time?

The main goal of an Online Business Manager is to free up your time so you can work on the things that only you can do. When you step away from the day-to-day operations and release yourself from having to oversee every piece of every project, you will have the time and energy to focus on business growth projects.

These projects might include creating a better connection with your customers and subscribers, building strategic alliances within the industry, expanding your reach and getting your brand to new markets and planning for future growth. While you are working on these growth projects, the OBM is handling everything else.

A TRUSTED PARTNER: Essential to the relationship

Online Business Managers truly care about their client’s businesses. They understand the overall business vision, are excited by the things to come, thrive on the day-to-day operations and strive to make the business succeed. They treat the client’s business as if it were their own. In a sense, hiring a good OBM is like having a trusted partner invested in your business.

A DECISION MAKER: Making all the decisions is exhausting!

Operating a successful business requires a lot of day-to-day decisions and oftentimes projects are delayed because business owners don’t have time to handle them all. Fortunately, most decisions don’t have to be made by the business owner. A good Online Business Manager will be willing to make decisions on their client’s behalf. This doesn’t mean they will be making all of the decisions; however, after establishing a guideline with the client, they can certainly handle many issues that arise throughout the day.

COMPLETED PROJECTS: A key component to bigger profits

Aside from the business owner, the OBM is the workhorse of the business. They spend most of their time planning, organizing, and managing the tools, resources and staff within the business. Their focus is on ensuring things are running smoothly; answering questions, dealing with unexpected issues in a timely manner, and keeping projects on track so that business goals are met. The seamless transition from one project to the next allows the business owner to stay focused and the business to grow.

You might be thinking that all this sounds great, however, if you’ve built your business from the ground up, one of the hardest things to do is let go. No matter how perfect your OBM is or how great your support team is, if you cannot or do not let go and let them do their job, your business will suffer.

Know that your OBM will care about your business as much as you do. They will not intentionally make decisions that would negatively affect you or your business. If you cannot get past learning to let go on your own, you might want to hire a coach or mentor to help you through this stage.