How To Make In Person Networking Easy

Do you find in person networking intimidating?When you network regularly you become comfortable with a number of individuals in the groups you normally attend. There are always several familiar faces. However, later today I am participating in a large networking event – a ‘Summer networking bash’ they’re calling it – with an expected turnout of over 500 business owners and professionals. I’ll be a little out of my comfort zone there so I’ve been going over some networking basics in preparation. Here’s what I’ve come up with for tonight’s meeting and as a refresher for your next big in person networking event.

in person networking

First ask: Remember, networking is not about you. Take the pressure off by asking questions. “What kind of projects do you work on?” is a good conversation starter after the initial introductions. Redirect your nervous energy to enthusiasm. Listen, be helpful and share information.

For 10 more questions that make networking easy, see Bob Burg’s 10 Feel-Good Questions® taken from the book “Endless Referrals” by Bob Burg

Then tell: Practice your Elevator Pitch. Keep it simple, “I am… I help…” For example, mine would go something like this, “I am an Online Business Manager and I help manage projects and team members for busy business owners.” If you’re prepared with what you’re going to say, it will be more natural.

Also note:

If there are no individuals to approach, find a group of 3 or more where you can connect with one person not highly engaged in the conversation. Avoid groups of 2 in conversation with each other only!

Have plenty of business cards handy. Exchange cards at the end of a conversation if there is a need to stay in touch.

If you’re still feeling the anxiety, know that you are not alone. Accept the fear and do it anyway. In person networking is about establishing, maintaining and building relationships and is a necessity in business. You never know who you might meet. You can almost always find commonalities or come up with a good connection for someone. When you do, everyone benefits.

Happy networking!