How Will You Know When It’s Time To Outsource?

How will you know when it’s time to delegate and outsource? Take this little quiz to help you find out.

Your Outsourcing Cheat Sheet

it’s time to outsource

You know it’s time to outsource when:

[ ] You’re burned out from working too many hours a day and too many days a week

[ ] You feel like you can’t take time away from your business and you don’t (and friends and family are noticing this too)

[ ] You are spending less time on your core revenue generating and business building tasks and it’s costing you money

[ ] Key administrative functions that keep your business running are not getting completed

If you agree with any of the above statements then it’s time to outsource and hire someone to:

* Do the work that supports and builds ongoing relationships with your clients such as:

-Newsletter creation and distribution

-Handling customer support

* Do the back end work that contributes to the growth of your business, generates profits and passive streams of income or needs to be accomplished to free up your time such as:

-Setting up and managing your contact management system and shopping cart

-Creating and/or managing your website

-Posting to your blog and social media

Article submissions

Graphic design


As the business owner, you should continue to:

* Do the things that will help grow your business and the things you enjoy

* Speak with potential clients, attend networking events

* Plan and create your next product or service

What do I do next?
1. Determine one activity you can delegate or outsource.

2. Find someone to help:

Speak to me about how I may be able to provide support for your business.

-Ask for referrals from clients or colleagues to outsource this work.

-You can also find assistants through Virtual Assistant associations, forums and social media sites.

3. List the names and contact details of potential help and start making inquiries.

Now you’re one step closer to streamlining your schedule and taking your business to the next level!