Position Yourself As An Expert With Guest Interviews

Are you looking to position yourself as an expert with guest interviews on podcasts and radio shows? It is certainly a great marketing strategy to promote your services and products while being informative and entertaining.

Guest Interviews

There are a number of ways to find podcasts and radio shows looking for guests. Most of these include doing your own research on sites like BlogTalkRadio and browsing the categories for suitable shows. There are thousands of shows out there looking to interview experts on every imaginable topic. You’ll be sure to find several in your industry.

However, if you don’t have time to do the research and submit requests, consider outsourcing this task to a Virtual Assistant. And make sure you (or your assistant) sign up for RadioGuestList.com It’s a free service that will email you automatically each day they have a talk show looking for guests (and this is most days). You will be provided with contact information so you can get in touch with the shows for which your area of expertise would be a great match.

Make sure you take advantage of this powerful marketing tool and the opportunities that will arise from the ‘on air’ exposure.