How Does Your To Do List Compare To Your What’s Done List?
How often do you review your To Do List, sigh and experience feelings of overwhelm? If you're like most of us, this probably happens on a regular basis. But what…
How often do you review your To Do List, sigh and experience feelings of overwhelm? If you're like most of us, this probably happens on a regular basis. But what…
Do you need to learn how to say no? Is business going really well? Are you so busy that you couldn’t possibly take on another client? This means sometimes having…
Are you a small business owner that needs help to balance your commitments? Are you at the point of overwhelm? Do you have so many clients or commitments that you're…
It is important to give yourself permission to leave some things undone. To do so, you need to recognize and accept that you will never clear your list; there will…