Your Guide To Success: Paralyzed ~ A Book Review

If you’re looking for a book to help inspire you with a no excuses attitude, then “Paralyzed: Getting Past the Excuses of Why You Aren’t Successful” by Odette Laurie is your guide to success. Let’s face it, we have all made excuses to protect ourselves from some sort of discomfort but where does that get us? Nowhere. It keeps us where we are at – status quo.

guide to success

When it comes to my business and life I’ve learned to push past the discomfort in order to reach goals. In those circumstances, for example an invitation to speak at an event that scares me but I know will be a great opportunity, my motto is: “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” Odette’s book helped to reinforce that this approach can set us up for growth and can be our guide to success.

Odette Laurie is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, author and coach with multiple business successes. She coaches women who strive to succeed in their businesses.

The first sentence in “Paralyzed” is “According to the wisest of all, the fortune cookie, the hardest part of anything is the beginning.” From here Odette takes us on her journey through entrepreneurship and her struggles and successes along the way.

I like Odette’s clear, no excuses guide to success for business owners. Her stories are relatable and empowering. It’s an easy read and I felt full of possibilities afterward.

These direct quotes from the book help demonstrate Odette’s no-nonsense, kick-butt style:

“There is only one reason why your business is unsuccessful: you are paralyzed by your own self-inflicted excuses about your life circumstances.”

“It is way too easy to play small; it’s boring, it’s lame and it is so limiting. Life has too many exciting things to do and see, and if you are just skimming the surface of what you are really capable of, you are dead in spirit.”

“If you don’t like where you are, it’s your fault, not anyone else’s. You have the power to change it so do the work.”

“You have what it takes to be extraordinary, so be the one and only you. It all boils down to three things: 1.Be you 2.Do the work 3.Start now”

“And that is the beauty of business ownership–the power to create whatever you want, to live a better life and enrich the lives of others.”

“I promise you this. When you decide that you don’t want to live your life like this anymore, you will get exactly what you want.”

If this is the type of encouragement you need to push past the middle to success, I encourage you to pick up a copy of “Paralyzed“. Don’t let excuses be the reason you don’t reach your goals.